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The Message Company
4 Camino Azul
Santa Fe, NM 87508 USA
Ph: 505-474-0998
Fax: 505-471-2584

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Don Campbell
Don Campbell

Don Campbell

Don Campbell is an expert on the transformational powers of music. A classically trained musician, composer, scholar, and consultant to symphony orchestras, Don is known for his energetic, empowering, and often dazzling style of teaching music. He's traveled to over 40 countries, founded the Institute for Music, Health and Education, and wrote The Mozart Effect, translated into 26 languages. His newest book is Sound Spirit: Pathway to Faith. He is music director of Aesthetic Audio Systems, a company that provides acoustic design and music for healthcare facilities. He has been part of the American Music Research Center at the University of Colorado since 1998.

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Keynote: From the Big Bang to Harmonic Healing: Awakening the Spirit of Sound Sunday, November 16
Ballroom 9:15 am to 10:15 am

Sound has a dynamic impact on the mind, body and spirit. By understanding the components of sound waves and brainwaves, we can explore the powers of music from extended tones to sophisticated compositions.

Don Campbell will guide us through the elemental forces of sound to the elegant expressions of music with the "3 Minutes to Harmony" techniques that will assist us in orchestrating our own styles of stress reduction, mental focus and physical activation.

Using up-to-date techniques in imagery, visualization and movement, you will be able to harmonize yourself in quick and efficient ways. We will also explore the components of sound and music that awaken our spiritual states of consciousness. Through Don's recent trip to the Antarctic, we will learn about shifts in musical and energetic perception and sensations while at the tip of earth's energetic fields.

Goal: To demonstrate and experience efficient and practical ways to use sound and music to bring harmony and focus to the mind, body and spirit.

Learning Objectives:

  • To articulate how music, movement and imagery can be used to balance brainwaves, release stress and open the mind to spiritual awareness,
  • To explore the spiritual roles of music through chant, rhythm and deep listening, and
  • To show how multiple levels of listening change mental, physical and emotional experiences.

Workshop: Prayer, Meditation and Music: Sarah's Circle and Jacob's Ladder
Ballroom 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Sunday, November 16

Music is a bridge of transformation from the mundane and personal to the universal connection. Through observing and experiencing the differences between horizontal and vertical spirituality, the powers of prayer and meditation can be actualized effectively.

This program includes an experiential process designed to integrate, focus and deepen your own spiritual practices. We will conclude with vocal and imagery techniques for building your own spiritual temple with music.

Goal: To show how sound and music can assist in spiritual development and practice.

Learning Objectives:

  • To demonstrate how states of listening modify spiritual experiences,
  • Learning what kinds of sound and music bring us to spiritual verticality that heightens and deepens our lives, and
  • To experience what kinds of sounds and chanting bring us into awakened human consciousness.

Register me for the 2008 Sound Healing Conference

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4 Camino Azul
Santa Fe, NM 87508 USA
Phone: 505-474-0998
Fax: 505-471-2584

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